The first inter-house sports competition of Diagold Nursery/ Primary school, Ladegboye town, off Ijede Road, Ikorodu, Lagos State was nothing short of a success. If success is achieving a set goal or target then the management and staff of Diagold Nur/Pry School can without mincing words proudly beat their chest for a job well done.

The landmark event took place on Thursday 30th March, 2017 at the Ladegboye Field and had as dignitaries; Oba Olamilekan Ifayemi (patron of yellow house), Alhaja Kudirat Ajose (Matron blue house), Mr Akinpelumi Ambode (Patron green house), Mr Olufemi Odusofe and Mrs Gloria Bright (Patron and Matron of purple house respectively).  The chairman of the day was Mr Niyi Akintunde, MD/CEO of Solid Aliance MFB. Also in attendance were parents, friends and families of the pupils. In fact, it could be 

assumed that the good people of Ladegboye  all came out en-mass to support the school and pupils as they marched out to show case their raw- talents.

The hosts of the event were Dr S.O Adewoye, the Director of school and a Principle lecturer at the Yaba College of Technology and his beautiful wife, Mrs D.O Adewoye, the proprietress of the school. The event was excellently anchored by M.C Otunba Dayo Ajiteru (Bishop Ori Radio) of Bond FM 92.9.

In her welcome address, the proprietress of the school, Mrs D.O Adewoye welcomed all the special guests, Patrons and Matrons of all the houses, parents, invited guests, friends of Diagold Nursery/Primary schools, invited schools and Neighbours for giving their time and honoring their invitations.

She stated that since the establishment of the school about seven years ago (20th September 2010), the plan to have an inter-house sport such as this before now has not been easy. But that she gives all the glory to God for making 30th March 2017 a reality in the history of the school. And as she puts it, “Today marks the Maiden edition of the school’s inter-house sports festival and by His grace, it has come to stay”.

Mrs Adewoye went on to stress the importance of an event such as this stating that; “it is our belief that this will bring out to limelight the inherent abilities in our pupils. The best athlete this nation would ever produce might start his or her career today” she also added that there is the need for Government support in organizing events such as this. In her words; “Permit me to use this medium to appeal specially to the government to harness the God-given potentials in our youths by sponsoring sporting events like this and also to organize major competitions to build our children’s tomorrow both physically and mentally”.

The amiable Diagold mother general, further re-iterated her stand that the event has come to stay and that it shall come up bi-annually (once in two years); “ we crave for your partnership in building the destinies of our pupils sponsoring this event on a bi-annual basis”. She however appreciated all the Patrons and Matrons of all the houses for their generosity, support, sponsorship and provisions in all areas. She also appreciated the management, consultants and the entire staff of Diagold School for their commitment to the visions of the school and for making the event a reality. All these she summed up as, “thank you and God bless you all”.

The event featured activities such as March pass, 25m, 50m, 100m and 200m Race, sack race, 4×100 school relay race, egg race, picking the ball, balloon bursting, going to school, etc. the invited schools were also not left out of the party as they featured in the invited schools relay race. Staffs and parents and old pupils also showcased their talents in their respective races.

The list of the invited schools were; Uncle Bayus Nur/ Pry school, Simfort Montessori school, Prella Nur/Pry school, Divine Destiny Nur/ Pry school, Wise generation Nur/ Pry school and Fountain point Nur/ Pry school all located within Ladegboye.

At the end of the day, Green (Apple house) took first position, Blue (Diamond house) came second, Purple (Royal house) third, while Yellow (Gold house) took fourth position. There were huge jubilations as medals and awards were handed out. Gift packages were also handed out to the various Matrons and Patrons of the houses.

National Impact crew met up with some of the key dignitaries for interviews, the first was Pastor Femi Olagunjoye. The excerpt below:

Sir can we meet you?

My name is Pastor Femi Olagunjoye, I pastor the Foursquare Gospel church formerly Ladegboye but now Orobode a very close community from here.

How do you feel about this day?

Well, I think it will be a surprise to some of us, actually, it is a surprise to me, I mean the level of the success because I wasn’t expecting something this flamboyant. I want to thank God for it, it is a very good beginning I think they have started well. I just pray that God will grant the management of the school the momentum to sustain it,

I can see you have a blue ribbon across your neck, what is your relationship with the school?

The Adewoyes are my friends, our relationship started since 2002 about 15 years ago in the church. We came to Ladegboye by fate and I remember I encouraged them to start up the school when they brought up the idea, it was a great struggle but I thank God they yielded and today you can see for yourself.

Thank you for your time sir

The pleasure is all mine.

Another resident of the community also gave us audience. The interview below:

Good afternoon ma, can we meet you briefly?

Yes, I am Mrs Elizabeth Adigun, I live here in Ladegboye, and I came to attend the maiden edition of Diagold Nur/ Pry school. It was a huge success and a milestone for both the school and the community.

In other words, you look forward to more of this?

Of course, more of this and also that the school should grow.

Do you have children in the school?

No, I am a huge supporter of the school and what it stands for.

Thank you ma for your time

You are very welcome.

Our crew also interviewed a parent in the school and the interview follows:

Good day sir, can we meet you?

My name is Michael Azuka Agbomuzor, a friend of the school.

How can you describe this very day?

Fantastic! I am a sportsman myself and I like football so whenever a thing like this comes up, I get very excited. I can tell you that what I saw here is beyond description.

What advice can you give to the pupils in this school?

My advice is that they should listen and learn, as that is the surest way they can prosper. They should obey their parents and other authorities so that they can excel and their life will be longer.

In that same light what advice can you give to parents?

My advice to them is that they should stand up for their children and guide them to excel in life. I pray that God will help them and sustain their lives.

Thank you very much sir.

Thank you for having me.

The crew then interviewed another parent. The excerpt below:

What is your name ma?

My name is Mrs Ameafuna, I have a grandchild in the school.

What feelings do you have concerning this particular day?

Well as their first inter-house sport, it was very successful

Do you look forward to having more of this?

Of course

What advice do you have for the teachers and the school in general?

My advice is for them to keep up the good work and perhaps surpass this next time. They have really done well.

Finally, the crew interviewed the Matron of Purple house. The interview below:

Good afternoon ma, can we meet you?

My name is Mrs. Gloria Bright, the Matron of purple house.

In a short sentence, how can you describe today?

It was fabulous and glorious.

And your house took what position?

We took First position in March Pass and third in the general competition. But we hope to win it next time.

What advice do you have for these pupils who have stood in the sun today to play their part in the success of the event?

My advice is that they should continue and that the grace and strength of God will keep them till the next edition and onward.

What about the teachers?

They have really done a very good job, and I hope that they will keep it up.

And the parents?

We are thanking them for their support in all ramifications; it went well because they stood by us. In one word, I am saying a big “kudos” to everyone involved.

Thank you for your time.

Thank you.