News developing – December 24th13 soldiers killed as troops repel Boko Haram attack in Yobe

”Amnesty International calls for a full-blown investigation into atrocities committed on the course of the war against the Boko Haram insurgency”


Just as Nigerians were beginning to believe the worst is getting behind them, the boko haram terrorists group in Nigeria as continued to issue chilling reminders of her vigourousity. No one seems to understand the difference between the attacks of Fulani herdsmen and boko haram. The so called herdsmen and famers clashes have left not less than 2000 people dead in Nigeria.

Recently, another Innocent  volunteer Nurse(Miss Hauwa Lima) for the Red cross  was abducted  and murdered in cold blood,  her other three colleagues have also been confirmed murdered. This is really a sad moment for their families and a bad news for Volunteers, Mothers and women generally.

As if their havoc so far is not enough, Boko haram has continued its devilish activities and menace in destroying lives and properties and the government seems silent. The worst massacre so far is the gory killing of over 100 soldiers and their commander in an ambush at a military base by this same terrorist group. This incident reveals the extent of a failed state Nigeria has become under the present administration. How can those who are meant to provide security for her Citizens in an independent Nation called Nigeria be killed like ceremonial chickens. The situation seem more complex than anticipated as in-depth information on these killings seems so faraway from the international community.

Human lives in Nigeria has become so worthless and invaluable. Nigeria has arrived at a cross road” where her compass for navigation has failed woefully. President Buhari, Should begin to act fast or step down if he has run out of ideas on how to deal with Boko Haram. We Nigerians in Diaspora continue to reiterate that this present government has failed to protect innocent lives. For instance the government  attempts to stifle media coverage of such stories and preventing parents of the Missing girl’s from speaking to the press will continue to undermine her priorities which was to rescue and save lives and not to protect the reputation of the government.

Definitely, a government that cannot protect lives of citizens cannot be said to have reputation. In my opinion, I had previously advocated for the  Sambisa Forest which has been confirmed to be the home and hideout for Boko Haram to be brought down to a desert. This will no doubt cripple their potency.

Indeed, this regime has not been a good one for the Nigerian Army owing to their continuous loss and census of casualties via Boko Haram attacks. Recently, on the 25th December, it was reported under the headline 13 soldiers killed as troops repel Boko Haram attack in Yobe, that The Nigerian Army repelled attack by Boko Haram insurgents at a military formation in Kukareta, Damaturu Local Government Area of Yobe State. The Army In a statement by Col. Onyema Nwachukwu, the Deputy Director, Public Relations, said the insurgents had on Monday 24th December at about 6: 30 pm, attacked a Military Forward Operational Base, in Kukareta community of Yobe. Nwachukwu said that the gallant troops engaged the insurgents in fierce battle and repelled the attack, killing many of them, adding that a soldier was wounded in the attack.He disclosed that 13 soldiers and two police personnel also lost their lives when they ran into an ambush by the insurgents on Damaturu-Maiduguri Road.

Furthermore, the Amnesty International has recently called on the International Criminal Court to start a full-blown investigation into atrocities committed on the course of the war against the Boko Haram insurgency. The organization accused the Nigerian government of failing to bring those responsible to justice. ICC chief prosecutor, Fatma Bensouda, in her latest annual report claimed that Nigeria appeared not to have taken “concrete steps” towards investigating the allegations. She claimed there appeared to be a “tangible prospect” of proceedings against Boko Haram members but not against troops “since the Nigerian authorities tend to deny any allegation”.

But Amnesty International suggested Abuja was keeping her “in limbo” by giving the impression of domestic action but in reality doing very little. “Eight years since the opening of the preliminary examination and faced with the continuing commission of crimes under international law and the possibility of a never-ending preliminary analysis, it is time for the OTP (Office of the Prosecutor) to open a formal investigation in Nigeria,” it said.

Amnesty said Nigeria had failed to meet its obligations under international law to investigate and prosecute crimes as part of the ICC’s preliminary examination. “It is in the interests of both the OTP and Nigeria to demonstrate that serious steps are being taken to cure Nigeria’s inability or unwillingness to bring perpetrators to justice. Above all, it is in the interest of victims,” it said.