The ideal of a philosopher king was born in Plato’s DIALOGUE REPUBLIC as part of the vision of a just city. It was influential in the ROMAN EMPIRE and was revived in European political thought in the age of Absolutist monarchs. It has also been more loosely influential in modern political movements claiming an infallible ruling elite. In Plato’s Republic the leading character, Socrates, proposes the design of an ideal city as a model for how to order the individual Soul. Philosophers are both morally and intellectually suited to rule: morally because it is in their nature to love truth and learning so much that they are free from the greed and lust that tempts others to abuse power and intellectually. They use their knowledge of goodness and virtue to help other citizens achieve these so far as possible.

AIG DR CHARLES UGOMUOH {rtd} who seeks senatorial seat of Owerri Zone in Imo state is of the philosopher king school of thought. In an exclusive chat with this security giant, he wonders why people radiates poor representation of their senatorial zones with very poor impact.

His SENATORIAL AGENDA (Owerri Zone) via the ACCORD PARTY are as follows

  • Quality and effective representatives.
  • Ensure citizens equality, equity and justice.
  • Effective security of Owerri zone.
  • Establishment of market hubs, economic dev and industrialization.
  • Establishment of modular generating plant through a bill for 24/7 electricity.
  • Youth empowerment and entrepreneurship.
  • Infrastructural deficit corrections.

The eagle is a rare bird and every generation is blessed with few. Those who are close to him can tell you that he is not a man to be associated with mediocrity. From the cradle, his thirst for excellence in all things and at all times has remained unchanged a curious look at the personality of this great man reveals a complete gentleman to the core, an administration per excellence. He is a dynamic, energetic, thorough, humble, dedicated and highly focused human being.

Chief Charles Ugomouh is a man with vision and self-confidence who has touched people where it most matters because protection of lives and properties is one of the major essence of every sovereign state. And this is what he has championed over the years as a security giant. He served the Department of operations and was the head of Force Animal Bureau [FAB] force headquarters of Nigeria police force Abuja. Out of hard work and providence, AIG Ugomouh was promoted to the rank of commissioner of police in 2015. His appointment sojourn and elevation in the Nigeria police force has spanned over a period of three decades and during this period he has impacted positively on people, his community, the states and the nation in various capacity. He has served in various state police commands including Enugu State Police Command, Zone 2 command Headquarter Lagos, Force headquarters Annex Lagos and at last Force Headquarter Abuja where he retired from.

AIG Charles Ugomouh is a native of Lorji town in Aboh Mbaise LGA, Imo State, Nigeria. He had his primary education at Port- Harcourt Rivers state and with the advent of the war the young Charles ugomouh relocated to his village Lorji town.

After the civil war in 1970, AIG Charles Ugomouh was enrolled into the prestigious Mbaise Secondary School [MSS] Aboh Mbaise where he passed out in 1974 set. He was later to proceed to government college Umuahia [Fisher High School] where he made a GDI in WASC. In 1976, he took up a teaching appointment and was posted to Amumara Girl’s Secondary School where he taught geography and integrated science.

In 1977 the young Charles Ugomouh proceeded to the University of Ibadan and graduated in 1983 with a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine {DVM] degree. In 1990 he obtained a Post Graduate Diploma [PGD] in Banking and Finance from the University of Nigeria Nsukka. He also holds a Membership Diploma of the College of Vet Surgeons of Nigeria [MCVSN] Abuja in 2014.

He attended series of police training including intermediate command course jos in 2001 and counter revolutionary warfare at command and staff college jaji Kaduna. He also attended ACP to DSP PROMOTION Course at police Staff College Jos in 2012, AIG Charles Ugomouh is a member of the international Associated of the Chiefs of police [IACP] USA.

AIG Charles Ugomouh is a holder of two traditional tittles. He was conferred with the chieftaincy tittle of “ Ikemba  Chokoneze “ in Ezinihitte Mbaise by His Royal Highness Eze Roland  Anyanwa. His community, Lorji Autonomous community Aboh Mbiase local government area which he served at a time as the president general in recognition of his meritorious service rewarded him with a traditional tittle. He was conferred with the title of Ikeoha Lorji by His Royal Highest Eze Sir J.N. Unegbu the Orji ll of Lorji.  

With the words of chief Obafemi  Awolowo , “Only a man who works until it hurts should occupy a public office” it is  hard not to think of Dr Charles Ugomuo who renders himself as a sacrificial lamb for the good of his country, devoting all his time for the safety of others. He is happily married to beautiful Mrs. Stella Chioma Ugomouh and is blessed with four wonderful children. He is a member of Enugu Sport Club where he belongs to the Billard and Golf Section. He like reading as a hobby.