Home Impact News Plus Bizarre indeed! Denmark legalizes ‘sex with domestic animals’ during confinement

Bizarre indeed! Denmark legalizes ‘sex with domestic animals’ during confinement


There are certain things that can increase global worry in a superlative degree. The world is currently on their knees miserable and helpless over a global pandemic that have left hundreds of thousands dead and world economy shattered. This global pandemic is traced to Wuhan in China over rascality in relationship with animals although there are so many other stories going viral abot the cost of the virus. Again, other global pandemics were equally linked to one animal or the other. Then is it not quite amazing that a country could return to bestiality after rejecting such 5 years ago in the name of fighting boredom.

Just like returning to feed on ones’ vomit, Denmark parliamentarians has passed a temporary law making bestiality legal once again in their nation until the pandemic is over.. It will be recalled that Denmark is one of the last European countries to ban bestiality in 2015
In her words the Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen said recently “I would rather my citizens having sexual intercourse with their domestic animals, and enjoying themselves during the confinement than to go completely insane with boredom.”
Continuing she said that she is not close to the idea if bestiality will be sustained after the confinement period. “Many things will change after the end of the pandemic, maybe the population will wish to carry on with such practices. The people will decide,”
In his speculation, Denmark Minister of Health Magnus Heunicke, opined that sex with animals although illegal, has been adopted by government for the time being as part of the stress-relieving approach especially during the confinement. He equally stressed that research has shown that bestiality lowers blood pressure and symptoms of anxiety and depression.
“Multiple studies indicate that sexual intercourse with pets is a powerful form of stress relief, lowering not only blood pressure but also harmful stress hormones associated with depression and anxiety, and elevating beneficial ones linked to happiness and relaxation,” Health Minister Heunicke explained.
A representative of the Danish Shia Muslim community, Imam Mohammed Eriksson Shroeder, praised the announcement and said it was great news for the Shia and Sunni Muslim communities alike explaining that the practice had always conformed to Islamic law “if, and only, the animal is butchered after the sexual act.”