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National Impact Magazine convokes National Prayer Summit as 57 Ministers REVEAL problem with Nigeria


The recent National Prayer Summit with 57 dynamic, efficient and deep spirited ministers of God at National Stadium Surulere as convoked by National Impact Magazine on the THEME “ARISE OH LORD!!! LET YOUR WILL BE DONE IN NIGERIA”, will remain memorable and indelible on the sand of history as Nigerians keep mentioning it as a positive step in the right direction. The symbolical event which was to commemorate Nigeria at 57 was an intensive prayer session with full manifestation of the presence of God felt by all the participants as each of the men of God prayed on a particular intention for the betterment of Nigeria.
The epochal event which took place on the 30th of September, 2017 was the first of its kind in the history of Nigerian media industry. In his welcome address, the Editor-in-Chief of magazine, Omenihu Alfred fibmn said the momentous and historical event was nurtured from deep reflection on the second stanza of our NATIONAL ANTHEM which he charges all Nigerians to pay more attention to “O God of creation, direct our noble cause, guide our leaders right and help our youth the truth to know. In love and honesty to grow, and live in just and true Great lofty heights attain. To build a nation where peace and justice shall reign.” Continuing, he said that National Impact Magazine has been part of national evangelism through our columns ‘Men of God Speaks’ and ‘Gospel Corner’ where we relate with men/women of God on issues of the Gospel and national importance.
The selected Ministers that constituted the 57 are as follows; Bishop Dr S. Okokoni, Bishop Dr joy Chinwe Rosecollet Haastrup, Bishop U. L. O Edema, Bishop David Kporukpo, Bishop Prophetess Mary Oluwasegun Ajisafe(JP), Bishop Wale Adekoya, Bishop J. O. Omomuwho (JP), Rev. Fr. Prof. Kanu Anthony, Rev. Paul Chikwem, Rev. Ben Eragbai, Rev. John Uwadiegwu Okorie, Pastor Jide Abe, Rev. Austin Onyenwee Ifezue, Pastor Yemi Badru, Rev. Anuoluwa Priestley Adesubomi, Rev. Oladosu Olaoluwa, Prohpet David Okorie, Prophet David Akpan, Pastor Ambrose Obioma Okehi, Rev. Louis Obasi, Pastor Bright Nwakanma, Pastor Dr Biodun Adeneye-Marcus, Pastor Akinsekeji E. Olufemi, Pastor Adolphus Olaniyo, Prophet Darlington Unichi, Rev. Peter Okoromi, Pastor {Dr} Olufemi Martins, Pastor Okechukwu Anorue, Rev. Olufemi J. Akinbode, Pastor Austine Aluevbose, Apostle James Olukayode, Apostle Raphael Elijah, Rev. Dr Augustine Onwumere, Pastor BankAnthony David, Pastor Joseph Adams, Rev. James Bamidele, Rev. Chris Anayochukwu Agim, Pastor Bayo King, Pastor Adebayo Aderibigbe, Pastor Adegboyga Adebayo Olubunmi, Pastor Michael Chukwuemeka Umeaku, Pastor Stephen Gbenga Peter, Evan. C, Peter Ndeche, Pastor Emmanuel Ojo E. Arasanyin, Rev. Israel Ogolo, Rev. Edward Opubor Dorgu, Pastor Ayoola Adeyibi, Pastor Mgbejume Benjamin Chimankpam, Pastor Omotosho Tope Joseph, Pastor John Antwi-Aremu, Rev. Daniel C. Muomah, Pastor Michael Udoh, Rev. Dr Okey Moses, Prophet Chuma Ozoemena, Apostle George Anselem, Rev. Dr James Okocha, Apostle Dr C. O Joseph.
The Deputy Editor of the Magazine, Victor Cletus Mfon told the news men that the idea of the programme was a divine one and will propel Nigeria to the right track. He further stressed that Nigeria will be great again, but we have to embrace God as a nation as our last defense, pillar and arbiter. That no nation prospers without God, He is the author and finisher of our faith and life.” He concluded.
Earlier before the event, these men/women of God opened up on the problems of Nigeria and proffered solutions on what they think should be done. Rev Dr James Okocha of the Life Givers Assembly opined that, Nigeria has one major problem which is Injustice. “You can never preach peace when you breach justice. When there is equal right you hardly witness war, but when equal right and justice is concealed anarchy, war, rancor and riot is inevitable so that is what is obtainable in Nigeria nation. It’s all about falsehood. If we can be sincere to ourselves, everything happening in Nigeria today is because of how it is being managed. Everything escalating here and there is just because of one thing ‘Injustice’.” Advising Nigerian leaders and Nigerian generally, Rev Dr James Okocha, said whether, you are a leader or follower let’s just know that there will be accountability on the last day. God has control over lives and everything in the world. People should stop abusing privileges and give justice the supreme opportunity in every sector of this country. “Again, I want to remind our leaders that government belongs to the people. They were elected by the people to serve the people and not to punish the people. Anything done by government that is not people oriented is not unacceptable. As much as we pray for peace and unity of this nation, let’s also do the right thing. Leadership should be the eye of the law not tribally, religiously or regionally based. We must uphold this entity called Nigeria above tribe.”
In the same vein, Prophet Darlington Unichi the founder and visioner of The Ark of Holiness Evangelical Mission (TAHEM) said promises are not kept by politicians when they enter office instead they seek their selfish interest against the good of the people that voted them to power. He also added that love is lacking in the heart of the leaders for the country, because when you love something or somebody deeply, you will not hurt the person, in fact you can even die for that thing or person. Citing the popular John 3:16 of the Holy Bible. He said, “love is sacrificial and it is the nature of God”. Change according to him starts with the leaders and then the citizens will follow suit. “There is a better tomorrow ahead if we have faith in the Most High. He admonishes leaders to get close to God in order to show Godliness in their leadership roles, organize unity and love oriented conferences once in a while, for Nigerians especially the youth as they are the future of the country. They should show concern about the lives of the citizens bearing in mind that the citizens voted them into power and there should be action oriented against jungle justice owing to the fact that many innocent lives have gone as a result.
Pastor Bright Nwakanma of the Firm Foundation Bible Centre (FFBC) Said Tribalism, religious sentiments and injustice are some of the challenges bedeviling Nigeria. He advises that leaders should practice what they preach and Nigerians should rise above ethnic and religious sentiments as well as demand the right to be governed well. He charged Nigerian leaders to live upto their campaign promises while in office.

PASTOR ( DR) BIODUN ADENEYE –MARCUS, the general overseer of Sanctuary of Nations Assembly observed that the problem of Nigeria is in twin fold; the British forced nations together because of what they thought they could benefit because Nigerians were not prepared to live together which is why there is no brotherly love for one another. He equally bemoaned corruption which he says has eaten deep into the economy of the nation. Advising the leaders and the nation as a whole, he urges Nigerians to change their ‘psyche’. “Nigeria is not only monetarily corrupt, she is equally attitudinally corrupt.” He says the youths should be given the opportunity to rule the country as they are creative, educated and have a lot to offer. He prays that the good Lord redefine, remold and restructure the concept of the man that in habits Nigeria. May his infinite mercy be made manifest in the lives of Nigerians so that we will all strive for the virtues of positive living. Let Nigerian leaders promote the culture of selfless leadership so that the country can catch up with development in Nigeria.

PASTOR AKINSEKEJI E. OLUFUNMI of the Foursquare Gospel Church, Volks branch said Nigeria is like a foundation corrupted with idolatry, slave trade, human sacrifices etc. “All these now have emanated into poor leadership. He is of the opinion that the leaders and the led should turn with sincere repentance to the LORD. Let the believers show interest in Political leadership. “When the righteous reign, the people rejoice.”
Prophet David Okorie of the Narrow Way Gospel Church INC says leaders do not come to serve the country but seek their individual and party interest first, instead of serving the people. On that note he encourages the leaders to put the nation first before theirs, love the people who voted you into office, avoid ethnic rivalry, religious and tribal sentiments when treating the affairs of the people, avoid using party influences to victimize the people, groups and segment of the country and that Nigerians should shun violence, live peacefully with one another. He also encouraged ministers of God to take their place in the country by giving Godly advice instead of allowing themselves to be used as puppets of government officials.
PASTOR OKECHUKWU ANORUE, the senior Pastor of Divine Power Ministry, Ogba Ikeja blamed the electorates who are greedy by selling their votes to politicians who don’t have their interest at heart. “Selling your vote is like selling your birth right. But it becomes more miserable, pathetic and excruciating when you know that you are selling your vote to a more greedy person who will not want to be accountable. Power belongs to the people and until they understand that, I am afraid things might keep getting worse. It’s all a vicious circle of futility. In any case, he adviced the leaders to tap into philosophies of world celebrated leaders because nobody celebrates anybody for deception” he concluded
In the same vain, BISHOP DR OKOKONI, the general overseer of PRAISE GOD CHRISTAIN MINISTRY said Nigeria is a blessed nation but need to strive in prayer and obedience to God, if she must breakthrough saying that our leaders must be told the truth, Nigerians should stop complaining, you cannot complain in what you allow, complain give promotion to the devil. As a child of God we should shine as light and be the salt of the earth which we are.
REV BEN ERAGBAI¬-an apostle of war against satanic manipulation and the senior pastor of Divine Appointment Ministry International said that Corruption is the major problem of Nigeria which has eaten deep into the system; on that note he advises Nigerians to shun corruption in order for the country to move forward. He strongly advises that Nigerians should love each other and not condemn themselves but remain as one saying God can use Christians and non-Christians alike to salvage the problems in the country as it happened in the bible times like Cyrus.
Bishop Dr. Joy Chinwe Rosecollett Haastrup, the current chairperson of The Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (Ire-Akari chapter) and also the co-founder of Fruitful Word for Nations Church traced the problem of Nigeria to poor leadership. “The bible says that when the righteous are in Authority, the people rejoice” that there is so much corruption in the country such that abnormal things has become normal and vice visa. Her advice for Nigerian leaders is that they should be humble and know that any position they find themselves, God put them there to be a blessing to people. Then generally, she advised Nigerians to be patience and be more entrepreneual. That self development is key at this point in time. Acquiring of special skills will help take people’s minds away from white collar jobs that don’t exist anymore.
Rev. Fr. Prof Kanu Anthony is the parish priest of St Vincent Catholic Church, Olodi, Apapa, Lagos is of the opinion that difficult times will always be there, but those who are hopeful will always outlive their difficult moments. In the face of economic hardship, he said Christians must pray and hope for a better future. Christianity is a religion of hope. Although things are hard for the Christians but hardship and suffering does not have the final say. In the person of Jesus we saw how suffering was transformed by God into glory. He suffered, he died and seemed that death had won, but on the third day, the scripture said that he rose again. The scripture teaches that “Although tears may flow at night but joy comes in the morning”. The Bible further teaches that, although you are cast down, but there is always a lifting up. Goodwill always triumph over evil. The cross is for us a sign of victory.”
Rev’d Daniel C. Muomah an Anglican clergy man stationed at St Peter’s Anglican Church Diocese of Lagos West (Anglican Communion) Church of Nigeria, Ojo-Alaba International observed that Power supply is a major infrastructural investment in any nation. It is definitely indispensable to economic growth and other areas of national development. In Nigeria the power supply need serious improvement. Coupled with the problems of vandalization of power installations, inefficient staff, and the selfish bias of stakeholders, the power generation in the country doesn’t meet up with the demands. One of the signs that God is going to do a great work is that he begins to stir up his people to pray for it. He lays a burden on a person here and a person there. He brings it back to their mind again and again. It stalks them. It drives them to their knees. When God aims to do a great work, the first thing he harnesses is the power of prayer. He starts by planting the spark of desire in a few hearts. Then through prayer he fans it into a flame. Then the flame of desire and faith spreads to others. Soon large numbers are on their knees imploring the great work. Then God acts. Then he pours down his blessing. God loves to do great works of redemption. But even more he loves to do it in answer to prayer. (Matthew 7:7-8)

Pastor Adolphus Olaniyo a quintessential banker is of the school of thought that that the government is not Nigeria’s problem but the people are. “If the people’s ideology can change, the Government too will change cause Government is made up of the people. People don’t change in Government but changed people are the solution to a change Government. Nigeria leaders should be honest and sincere to themselves in pursing political positions. They should know that all the great things they see and crave for in developed countries are products of good thinking. People sacrificed to build their nations and today these have become monuments for remembering them. They should always ask themselves ‘What will I be remembered for?’
Wealth amassed in country plunged into decay will eventually amount to nothing. The elements of such a nation will fight back overtime and the ill-gotten wealth won’t protect enough, let’s serve and lead in love.

Prophet David Akpan, the Senior Pastor of Pillar of Cloud and Fire Ministry.
said, “in this country we lack understanding and the selfishness of our leaders make them forget citizens even with all are suffering in the land. They eat the National cake alone but forgetting that power belongs to God. We need to pray that God should remember the promises he has made. Our leaders should try as much as possible to humble themselves and turn their ways and repent. Our leaders should do the right thing at the right time; they should allow youths to participate in positions of authority in the country rather than allowing those who are not fit to be in positions.” In any case, he reiterated that leadership begins from the family hence parents are suppose to lead the family well and make the family know the differences between good and bad.

Pastor Martins is of the opinion that Nigerians generally should promote the virtues of positive living because values are the determinants of character and societal development hence he calls on Nigeria leaders to live by example.

REV OLUFEMI AKINBODE of the Sanctuary of Deliverance Int’l Church” aka House of Victory said that Nigeria is a blessed nation; despite her unique challenges as corruption and tribalism.” Let us understand that there is no challenge without a solution, which is hidden in men, I mean me and you. When a man recognizes his calling and solution that he carries, then he can set himself and others free. In respect to this I am employing the leaders to know that they are called into leadership and every calling require faithfulness and responsibility, these has been the difference between Nigeria and other great and successful nations of the world. They should take a step to come to that place of full recognition of why God allows a nation like Nigeria to be and be faithful to that call and the people God has call them to lead.
To the people of Nigeria they should live in unity, there is strength and power in number and above all be prayerful there is still hope for us.
The perspicacious preacher Rev John Uwadiegwu Okorie agrees totally that all Nigerians should work hard in order to make Nigeria great. “to make Nigeria great again is hard work, hard work and hard work”
PASTOR YEMI BADRU pointed out one of the core problems of Nigeria sins and constant disobedience to God (Judges 3: 7 – 11) and advised the Nigerian leaders and the citizens to go back to God in humility and as Israel always did, repent of our sins and ask God to return to us in the multitude of His mercies.

REV ANUOLUWA PRIESTLEY ADESUBOMI observed that the major problems of this country is Backsliding into idolatry, witchcraft, and occultism. “The Scriptures reveal that those that follow after other gods shall have their sorrows multiplied. This is the root of all the many other problems like Corruption, Insecurity”. She charges Nigerian leaders to always call to remembrance ‘O God of creation, direct our noble cause, GUIDE our leaders right” as contained in the National Anthem. While advising the youths to know the truth and give themselves to it, pursuing after value, selfless service rather than success and luxury.

Pastor (Evang.) Ambrose Obioma Okehi adviced Nigerians to stop praying for their selfish interest, but begin to pray for the sustainability and growth of this nation.
PASTOR JOSEPH ADAMS sees Poverty, unemployment and disunity in the church as few of the major problems bedeviling Nigeria. And his advice to Nigerian leaders is that we should love one another and uphold justice. “Let them also lead by example as honest leaders.”
REV. JAMES BAMIDELE who passionate about seeing Nigeria becoming better urged the leaders to go back to God in repentance and seek God’s face for direction. He also advises Nigerians to love one another, be good example for others as well as have the fear of God in all they do as it is the beginning of wisdom.
BISHOP DAVID KPORUKPO of the DIVINE WORD OF SALVATION MINISTRY’ Said “Our leaders should lead the nation with the fear of God. Prov 1:7 says that, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of Knowledge but fools despise wisdom and instruction. Prov 14:34 went further to say that righteousness exalted a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people. I commend the effort of the president in fighting corruption but the truth is that a tree cannot make a forest. We all must join hands to fight indiscipline and bring corruption to the barest minimum in our nation Nigeria. The treasure looters should remember life is short and they will not live forever (Hebrew 9:27) And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment. I encourage our church leaders to continue to pray for peace and progress of our nation and we should teach our followers to live in peace with one another and be our brothers keeper, Hebrew 12:14 follow peace with all men, and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord”.
BISHOP DR MRS MARY OLUWASEUN said the problem of this country is “the love of money in different levels and lack of the fear of God in leadership and I want to advice all the leaders to put God first, they should have love for the country, be merciful to the followers and put in place all that are need for the citizens to live meaningfully.
PASTOR BAYO KING said that our economy is in shambolic state because we are a consuming nation. The way out is to channel our effort towards serious exportation. We should go back to the drawing board and engage in exportable products that will enhance our foreign exchange generation which will strengthen our nation against dollar. Farmers should be encouraged to cultivate exportable products and as well create enabling environment for them to operate.
PASTOR ADEBAYO ADERIBIGBE advised Nigeria leaders to be sincere and compassionate to Nigerian citizens so that they can do the right thing because if they have compassion everybody would be happy.

ADEGBOYEGA ADEBAYO OLUBUNMI is of the opinion that the disunited believers” are major challenge Nigeria is having. Any advice to a court to a government that doesn’t recognize God is a wasted one (my personal stand).Rather, of efforts (this National Impact Glity Magazine) to be geared towards making the Christendom speaks in “one voice” as the prophet of the nation”.

PASTOR MICHAEL CHUKWUEMEKA UMEAKU challenged Nigerian leaders using Nelson Mandela sacrifice for South Africa. He unit South Africans the whites and the black people today. He is celebrated all over the world.
Talking around the ills of this nation, Nigeria, the outspoken minister REV. ISRAEL OGOLO said, Changing the law in order to use public resources to develop ones area is evil, rape, stealing and wickedness, Let’s have a referendum.
PASTOR AYOOLA ADEYIBI observed that the major problem we have from our leader point is that they love themselves more than the people they are serving. They forgot that their position is that of service to the people. So I advise to have a change of orientation. When they get to the seat, they should use it to help people who trusted them with the mandate to serve..
Rev. Edward Opubor Dorgu said that Nigeria is a blessed nation with rich human and material resources, but leadership has been the problem. Corruption and innocent killings have been the order of the day, and in all these we should know that life is not just about amassing wealth for yourself and family, but about accepting and impacting other’s which is the main quality our leaders lack. As a servant of God, my candid advice to the president is for him to be a father to all, be focused and not be distracted in his vision to bringing about a positive change in the country and My advice to Nigerian s is for them to hold on to God and never relent in prayer. They should know that faith can change anything. \i thank you people at National Impact Magazine and may you have a fruitful future.
Pastor Mgbejume Benjamin Chimankpam Prayed that the good Lord will take over from where you at National Impact Magazine stopped. May he take you beyond your dreams and may this project be your best in Jesus Might Name (Amen). “Before we pray for influx of investors in Nigeria, we need to identify why investors do not want to come to Nigeria. Corruption, unrest, disunity, insecurity and bad leadership remains the major cause of Nigerian’s problems (lack of investors included). Let us continue to pray around this points daily for our beloved Nation in this way”
Talking about Nigeria, the outspoken APOSTLE GEORGE ANSELM said “We need to have a referendum to determine the future of this Nation. We need to create, evolve and discuss a holistic approach to solving the problems that are at the verge of disintegrating this Nation. Nigeria is not a Religious State but a Democratic Nation. Nigeria should never gravitate into a one party state. Corruption should be a National concern that should be resisted with everything that we have as a Nation. The church should stop this denominational madness and come together to pray and seek God for our Nation.
Advising Nigerian leaders Pastor Stephen Gbenga Peter said, Nigerians need God in their individual lives. We must stop religion and accept Christ into our lives as our Lord and Saviour, that is the only way forward. Change of Mentality for good thinking and change our Character towards each other. Reduce recurrent expenditure in the Budget. Public Officers Salary and Allowance should be reduced. Health care should be taken seriously. Education is bed rock of National Development, Nigerian Government should invest intensively in Education from the primary to higher institutions. Research Center should be encouraged and create more Jobs for the unemployed. The Government should build more houses and roads for local farmers to move their products into urban areas. This Government must be ready to dialogue with communities and various agitations groups in the Country. Force is not the solution to our problems.
From the desks of our editorial advisers and partners

CHIEF (DR) NZERIBE’S JP (FIBM); Nigerians should rise up for their future, today is the spring ball of tomorrow’s possibility, and the license to a good future is good education.

DR. ADEWOYE S. OLABODE; Every progressive society live her tomorrow possibility today, by her mind capacity; I am admonishing the leaders to invest in research and human development. The world is moving, we should not be left behind.

All citizens should learn and understand the model of growth and progress, learn to crawl before you walk, students should face their books and leave facebook. This is my advice to all.

MRS FELICIA MARTINS; CEO SO-Said Homes; The ultimate aims of being a leader is to see people happy, fully integrated into the larger and functional society, where they are treated as citizens not strangers.

MRS OLUBUKOLA ADEBIYI; CEO of JAKINS N.G.O.:Right leadership is exposing the society to all possibilities. Right leadership helps the vulnerable groups in the society to overcome Economic, Educational, and Health challenges.