… a comparison analysis of 3 years Biafran genocide
Story by Jeffery Orji

Not minding that Nigeria is still ranking third in the Global Terrorism Index report by the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP), which ranked Nigeria as the third country with the highest level of terrorism in 2019, the security operative in Nigeria still operates in brutality against citizens. Across the globe, Nigeria has continued count among top nations with very insensitive to rule of law and increased bad reputation for brutality, extortion and harassment. It was on this same issue that the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) charged the National Assembly to urgently use its legislative instruments to invite President Muhammadu Buhari to address the deteriorated security situation in the country.

The Nigerian Security forces in a bid to enforce the lockdown in parts of the country has killed innocent Nigeria citizens during this pandemic not minding the economic and psychological mindset of the people in this present situation in the land. In several reports captured by Nigerian reporters, alarm has been raised against the Security Operatives to shun brutality while enforcing Lockdown.

A report by the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) winch went viral revealed that no fewer than 18 persons have so far been killed by security operatives in attempts to enforce the directive on restriction on movement as part of measures to curtail the spread of the deadly COVID-19 in Nigeria. The killings, according to the report, is an indication of both the level of unprofessionalism of security operatives in dealing with civil population as well as their reckless disregard for human lives. Executive Secretary of the NHRC, Mr. Tony Ojukwu, who signed the report, however, disclosed that an App has been developed to effectively monitor, document and report incidences of human rights violations by law enforcement agencies during the period of the lockdown.

Biafran-Genocide efffect

“The report shows that complaints of human rights violations were received and documented in the following thematic areas: extra-judicial killings, violation of right to freedom of movement, unlawful arrest, and detention, seizure/confiscation of properties, sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), discrimination, torture, inhumane and degrading treatment, and extortion.

“There were eight documented incidents of extra-judicial killing leading to 18 deaths. Out of this number, 12 deaths were recorded in Kaduna State. Abia State also recorded two deaths arising from two incidents; while Delta, Niger, Ebonyi and Katsina States recorded one death each.

“Whereas COVID-19 has led to the death of about 11 patients, law enforcement agents have extrajudicially executed 18 persons to enforce the regulations as at 10th of April. This speaks volumes of the protocols and rules of engagement for our law enforcement as well the efficiency level and capacity of law enforcement agents to deal with the civil population. It’s a sheer display of impunity and reckless disregard for human life in law enforcement by security personnel,” the report noted

In another development, It is no longer news that the security operatives have continued to take advantage of this pandemic to enrich themselves via heavy exhortations in the name of enforcing the rules of Covid-19 pandemic. Could you imagine a government that told her citizens to stay home for about two months from March 27, 2020 without any palliative for her citizens not minding that well-meaning Nigerians donated generously to help bring food to the poor Nigerians yet nothing is received?
Come to think of it Nigerians were crying for food after just 2 weeks of staying home but the Biafrans genocide lasted for 3years and Igbos were condemned and frustrated with starvation for the three years. Really, no one can actually imagine what they passed in that era. Like making slight comparison with Covid 19 stay at home era No One is bombing Nigeria Markets, churches, hospitals and refugee camps. Also, No one is imposing either land or sea or aerial BLOCKADE. No one is laying siege and no one is threatening to shoot anything that moves or doesn’t move. So for all those who found this few weeks under almost calm conditions difficult, then what happened to the Igbos for that 3years between1967 and 1970 can only be imagined as horrible nightmare. Just sit back and imagine it!

With all the wailing and lamentation, the United Nations and the rest of the world didn’t give a damn. Igbos literally passed through the valley of hell but yet today same Igbos are the makers of modern Nigeria contributing tremendously to the growth of Nigeria even more than the people that waged war against them.
I always insist that the greatest merit for Igbos in recent times is not simply the advent of the internet on the surface! It is the social media aspect of the internet which now allows independent thinkers to challenge the lies of history. In Nigeria, our little corner of the world, through social media presentations, scholars are now debunking the false stories perpetuated By the Yoruba press (with the help of the North who has always been paranoid about Igbos). IPOB remains a non-state actor which embraces political, economic, ideological and martial tactics in the ongoing struggles for the total liberation of the Igbo Race from the satanic sadistic Jihadist imperial power and their allies. We are waging a Liberation struggle against domination and oppression that has cost our people over two million deaths and over four and half million people displaced through deliberate policy of human capital flight in the last fifty years. It is in the midst of this turbulent sea of conflict and unequalled deprivation that the Igbos continue to seek referendum for sovereign state.

The Igbo Nation is currently under psychological attack from the Jihadists Militant Herdsmen backed by certain strong powers. Even in the face of this fact above, we must be resolute and ever determined to defense the Igboland and resist any attempt to forcefully take over our land in the Eastern Region. This is a sacred task every Igbo man or woman must stand up for. On the foregoing, we encourage you to establish a Vigilantes in your communities, wards ,Local government e.t.c. History has shown that no amount of conspiracy or force from anywhere in the world can defeat a people’s Ideology so bonded together and United in spirit and action..
What is to be done!
1) Stop using Herdsmen as gatekeepers or security guards in Igboland ;
2) Quit them out of your forests, ask them to live in living houses and pay their rents, our people don’t live in forest;
3) Strengthen the capacities of all community vigilantes e t c
4) All communities in Igbo land should establish an organize Youth movement;
5) All town Union Leaderships and Traditional Rulers should start conducting Individual Identification Verification (IIV) exercise in your various communities
6) All villages and communities must start holding weekly security meeting to review the state of security in their community, inter-alia;
7) Stop selling, Leasing and renting of land or space to herdsmen in Igboland in the name of Grazing or residence.