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The rights of every man are diminished when the rights of one man is threatened. Nelson Mandela noted thus, “to deny people their human rights is to challenge their very existence.” Martin Luther King opined that Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.

As a matter of fact, around the world we only have few human right activists who are giving hope to millions of people. In the light of that hope for the oppressed, Desmond Tutu said “it means a great deal to the oppressed to know that they are not alone. These warriors like Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu, Martin Luther Kings, Laverine Cox, Aung San Suukyi, Peter Benenson, Dalai Lama, Jean Dominque, Cynthia McKinney. Arundhati Roy, Malala Yousafzai, Irene Khan, Philip Randolph, Robin Williams, Jeffery Orji and so many others across the globe deserve accolades every day because freedom is never granted, it is won and justice is never given it is exacted. In the words of Bob Marley. the Jamaican legend these men and women are the ones who get up and stand up for our rights. They keep getting up, keep standing up and they don’t give up the fight.

Comrade Jeffery Orji counts among these great men and women of velour committed to the cause of world peace and freedom. In our online chat with him recently, he quoted Dalai Lama “peace can only last where human rights are respected, where the people are fed, and where individuals and nations are free” One fact about human right activist is that they are fearlessly convinced because righteousness cannot be legislated it grows from conviction.”

Comrade Jeffery Orji for all we know has been championing the cause of human rights Violation and government negligence in Nigeria all the way from New Zealand where he resides. Raising his voice hard on the prevalent of Osu Caste system in Igboland Nigeria, he asked “Are humans not made alike? Is there any justification behind this prejudice? Why is it so powerful that the elites are silent? If it is a culture, is cultural change impossible? Why does it exist despite the laws made against it? The constitution of Nigeria frowns at any discrimination of a person on grounds of the persons, community and ethnicity, place of birth, sex, religion, political opinion or disability. Again, it is about seventy two. years now that the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and banned slavery in 1948.
In his first letter to President Buhari titled “Open Letter to Mr President, he expressed his unhappiness over the trend of things in Nigeria. He observed that the entire world is alarmed at the spate of killings and wanton destruction of lives and properties that has become the order of the day in Nigeria “Reports of killings no longer attracts due attention from both the security agencies and the federal Government as if they are the real perpetrators. Cases of Fulani terrorist/ herdsmen rampage on farming communities are all over the country. Kidnapping, armed robbery, hired assassins and a general feeling of insecurity have become common norms among citizens under his watchful eyes


In his second open letter to Nigeria President, he frowned at the hard line, tactless and divisive decision which has full more agitation from every corner in Nigeria. He equally challenged his intention to censor social media users and crusaders. Finally, he appealed to him to treat Nigerians fairly so that posterity will remember him well.

Aside all these the erudite scholar and prolific writer has lots of published articles on Boko Haram menace, Chibok girls saga, Biafra saga, herdsmen brutality, insincerity of the government and so many others. in 2018, at the National Merit and Excellence performance Award of National Impact Magazine, Comrade Jeffery was recognized as the most consistent human right crusader of the year.