Hon. Comr. Ike Livinus Anakor; the tested and trusted leader of our time



    Leadership is the ability to influence positively. As a matter of fact, it involves making reasonable and sometimes difficult decisions, creating, articulating a clear vision, establishing achievable goals, providing followers with the knowledge and tools necessary to achieve those goals. Leadership is synonym to responsibility, intelligence, trustworthiness, humaneness, courage, and discipline. Reliance on intelligence alone results in rebelliousness. Exercise of humaneness alone results in weakness. Fixation on trust results in folly. Dependence on the strength of courage results in violence. Excessive discipline and sternness in command results in cruelty. When one possesses all the five virtues on appropriate ratio to function and working simultaneously, then one can be said to be a true leader.
    It is an incontrovertible fact that the above mentioned qualities cannot be found wanting in the man Hon. Comrade Ike Livinus Anakor popularly known as ‘IKUKU-NDU’. He has over the years proven himself worthy of being elected as a leader in any capacity. He was formerly the President of Ikenga town Union Lagos Branch for 8 years, a Former Secretary General of Ikenga town Union for 8 years, also he was the Former Financial Secretary of Alaba International Market, the Secretary General Association of All Anambra Indigenes residing in Lagos State for 12 years and right now, he is currently the President of Satellite town Estate Landlords Associations in Lagos and current Chairman Catholic Men Organization of Church of Resurrection Satellite Town Lagos.
    Hon Livinus has a great concern for the people of Aguata that is among the first created Local Government Areas in Anambra State but seems not progressive enough in terms of what is on ground. As the case may be Constituency II is the custodian of Aguata LG Headquarters situated in Ekwulobia. The man of the moment in his well-articulated manifesto is on the march to fix faults and bringing permanent solution and enhance development in terms of:
    Ø Government Projects
    Ø Social infrastructure and Amenities e.g. Standard roads
    Ø Standard Hospitals
    Ø Standard Schools
    Ø Regular Power Supply
    Ø Electrification
    Ø Standard Market
    Ø Pipe Borne Water
    Ø Water Tight Security etc.
    Historically, Aguata is made up of 8 big communities and the level of employment and appointment is presently below 10% compared to other Local Government Area or constituencies. Another major problem facing the people of Aguata is the issue of Bad roads which has been the case for a long time. Majority of the people in Aguata, especially the men have no job which could make them to be lured into committing crimes.
    Hon Livinus equally, believes that the development of Aguata Area have been stagnant because they don’t have quality modern Markets/Shopping Centers or standard international markets where a lot of people can engage in high frequency commerce and industry. He believes that such will go a long way in reducing the level of poverty and sufferings of his dear people. “This is because industrialization of market can reduce the level of unemployment and poverty by 70%. The aforementioned can engage both the skilled and unskilled labour which can completely absorb our women and youths except for those who are lazy and unemployable. If a leader can empower one person per family, in this constituency for instance, then the majority of our people can live above poverty level because any resourceful person, that is empowered can as well empower others” he stated.
    Furthermore, he reiterated that he will achieve all these giant strides and more if he gets the people’s mandate for the state house. Obviously, he cannot achieve such alone hence he ask for the candid support from the people of Aguata. He says:
    “The journey has started and your candid support is needed so that together we can make the “SAFE- Agenda” a reality
    Ø S – security Support
    Ø A–Agricultural Development
    Ø F – Facilitations of Projects
    Ø E – Employment of Provisions for the Indigent Constituents
    Ø E – Empowerment of Women and Youths
    Ø E – Educational Development and Scholarship
    Ø E – Enactment of laws, policies, sponsoring or supporting bills, lobbying etc.”
    Continuing, the gentle man, who is loved by all said, “I have offered to serve my people with all sincerity and honesty. With your support there will be no failure, disappointment. and we can deliver. ”
    To prove to the people of Aguata that he is a competent and a reliable leader for service, one who is truly concerned about the matters of his people and one who wishes to take his people to the next level of development, he has further taken a bold step by aligning and listing his plans or agenda for the people if elected. A brief detail or break down of the “SAFE- AGENDA”.
    “With the constituency allowance and personal resources, I shall support the state Governor in security development especially in my constituency.I shall set-up a confidential security committee comprising of all the security agencies- commanders of the Community Vigilante Groups, SARS Commanders, Civil Defense, DPO’S etc under my constituency for security Advise and projections. This will enable me engage them fastidiously on security issues at the state House of Assembly for the safety of lives and properties of my people. I shall be giving remunerations to the village security men and all Igwe within my constituency for a water tight security. I shall help guarantee the youths in getting good jobs so as to keep them out of the streets. This will enable us curb insecurity, gang cultism etc because if one is properly engaged, he will not have time to engage in unlawful activities or for committing crimes that emanate from Juvenile delinquencies. Furthermore, the standard security support the people of Aguata needs at the moment depends on the individual chosen to lead their constituency “ he explained
    Talking about the Agricultural Development (Basic Needs) he said, “Like some people normally say that food is life. A hungry man is an angry man. One who feeds well thinks well, behaves well, have time and energy to support community development. Primarily, Agriculture provides the basic needs of man – food, shelter and clothing. But today we have abandoned Agriculture, looking for white collar jobs and crude oil resources. Our children go hungry and the prices of items in market sky rocket because we have little or no Agricultural produce to feed on. We buy most of the items we use from distant communities. This makes it difficult for us to survive squarely. In a bid to improve in Agricultural Development, I promise to do the following; I shall support the state governor in his Agricultural programmes so as to make Anambra a food sufficient state in the federation.”
    Continuing, Hon Livinus said, “I shall partner with the state ministry of Agriculture for provision of Agricultural equipment/materials for effective farming. I shall partner with Anambra State Small Business Agency ASBA for Agro-Loans to enable our people to engage in commercial farming. I shall partner with the bank of Agriculture (BOA) for Agro – loans or grants for Agricultural development in my constituency. I shall sign guarantor ship to well-known constituent for obtaining Agricultural loans for poverty alleviation. I shall empower some indigent farmers in both training and treasure for Agricultural engagement so as to put foods on their tables. I shall partner with larger private Agricultural investors to invest or establish modern farms in our constituency. I shall sponsor or support bills that will help Agricultural development in the state. I shall establish small scale industries for processing Agricultural produce in partnership with Government. “

    Re affirming his commitment on FACILITATION OF PROJECTS IMPLEMENTATION in his constituency, he said: “I shall be humble, obedient to the Government and dynamic in doing my job so as to attract projects for my constituency. I shall work closely with the Ministry of Works so as to place our own approved projects as a priority. I shall write proposals, submit them, do all the needful, and leaving no stone unturned in making sure that our projects are awarded, paid for, flagged off, completed and commissioned within my tenure. I shall make sure that projects are balanced or equitably distributed across the communities within this constituency and within my time. I shall monitor all approved projects within the constituency till their completion. I shall work with the contractors for efficient delivery and completion of all awarded projects. I shall sponsor or support bills that can enhance projects implementation. On oversight functions, I shall effectively implement and monitor all projects included in the budget. I shall work closely with the state Governor so that his campaign promises are implemented within my constituency.
    I shall use influence as a member of State House of Assembly to attract major social amenities to my dear constituency, Aguata at large and Anambra state in general. “

    Furthermore, on employment opportunities for the indigent constituents, Ikuku 2019, assured his people saying, “I will employ some of my constituents within my capacity and available resources so as to reduce poverty. I shall partner with some private sectors to employ our teaming youths so as to reduce crime and poverty. I shall lobby for job opportunities in the public sector for my constituents. I will write recommendation letters for interested constituents to enable them to get jobs in both private and public sector. I shall make sure that we get our own slot of the government appointments. I shall recommend people for appointments in the government of the state and federation. I shall do the politics, if necessary, so that we will not miss what belongs to us anytime, anywhere. I shall secure our quota in the LGA transition and party appointments. I shall create jobs through the small scale industry which I will build for communities.
    Empowerment of women and youths was not left out in his manifesto as he said, “I shall conduct youths and women empowerment programme at least three times annually. I shall sponsor youth and women empowerment trainings at least four times yearly. I shall link my constituents to the state government scheme so that majority of our people will be empowered. I shall procure/purchase working equipment, tools, machines, computer accessories, motorcycles, tricycles etc. to empower some hard working technicians and artisans within my constituency. I shall implement all other empowerment programmes possible within the available resources. I will partner with private sectors to help empower our youths and women through jobs, loans, trainings, purchasing, installment investments etc. I will bring my people closest to Government to Anambra State.”
    On Educational development and scholarship the man of the moment said “I shall establish scholarship scheme which will be purely on merit and not only for my close relatives, provided the child is resident in this constituency. I shall make sure that every intelligent child goes to school. I shall purchase/procure sets of computer accessories for schools within my constituency. I shall procure textbooks for school libraries. I shall donate exercise books and writing materials to primary schools, secondary schools and their teachers. I shall help provide security for schools within my constituency. I shall help the state government to build some classrooms blocks, maintain dilapidated structures, or rehabilitate the already existing ones. I shall partner with the Ministry of Education to make regular visits/supervision of schools within my constituency. I shall help advice the State Government to subsidize fees or give free education.”
    Coming to the real essence of his mandate which boils down to legislation, enactment of laws, policies, sponsoring or supporting bills, lobbying etc, he articulated thus “ I shall hold town hall meetings to hear from my constituents, know their needs and take it for debate in the floor of the House of Assembly in form of Bills. I shall advocate for the good of my constituency, Aguata and Anambra State in general. I shall sponsor or support bills that can make the lives of my constituents better. I shall be active and bold in the intellectual debate of bills in the state House of Assembly. I shall make my people proud across the state. I shall be the first and not the last in good advocacy, representation, accountability and resourcefulness. I shall be an opinion leader and not a dullard. Legislation is a serious business, I will take it serious. “
    No doubt, the man Hon. Ike Livinus Akor will certainly perform beyond expectation if given opportunity. He has proven himself a worthy apostle of good advocacy, representation, accountability, trust, honesty, capability and resourcefulness.