Good and evil both increase at compound interest. That is why the little decisions you and I make every day are of such infinite importance. The smallest good act today is the capture of a strategic point from which, a few months later, more people are equipped for more victories they never dreamed of. And apparently trivial indulgence in any bad things produces same result but in a negative way. Consequently, Mahatma Gandhi in his axiom challenged mankind that the simplest acts of kindness are by far more powerful than a thousand heads bowing in prayer. Carve your name on hearts, not tombstones. A legacy is etched into the minds of others and the stories they share about you said Shannon L. Alder
This is the everyday story of The Good Light Foundation since its inception more than 13 years ago and of course we know that the masquerade’s energetic performance is defined by the man inside. National Impact caught up with Mrs. Chioma Duru who is one of the National Coordinators of The Good Light Foundation where she gave us an expose of the Foundation as well as the Man behind the Foundation; Sir Stanley Amuchie {KSC}. Enjoy the excerpt:
My name is Mrs Chioma Stella Duru, from Mbaise but married in Orlu Imo state. I am a mother of three and a business woman.
Good Light Foundation has been there for over 13 years. We have an office in Owerri and we have over 5000 women and 500 youths in the foundation and we are still bringing more due to our women empowerment going on in churches and communities. We have a very wonderful president whose second name could only be said is CHARITY. Once upon a time, precisely on the 29th of December, 2012 Sir Stanley Amuchie was given the title of “Ezi Ihe” which means GOOD LIGHT. You can agree with me that before anyone can receive that kind of title he ought to have done so much for the society. Good Light as a foundation has been in humanitarian services of helping those who need help, those who are homeless, the less privilege and so on. In fact, we have always tried as much as possible to find solution to all problems that come our way. Our president and founder Sir Stanley Amuchie derives so much passion and happiness in humanitarian services and he does it willingly not to showcase himself. Just like Brian Cavanaugh will say “a generous person is the joyous person. The giving spirit is the beautiful spirit. Follow the example of master teacher and give generously, willingly, unhesitatingly and completely. We can measure our likeness to Christ by our sensitivity to the pains and trials of others.” All these and more come close in describing the personality of our President, Sir Stanley Amuchie. In other to guarantee maximum security for Oke Ovoro in Mbaise the foundation went into action to build and equipped magnificently a modern police station which was commissioned on the 31st of May, 2014 as the who is who in Mbaise, Imo state and Nigeria gathered for such rare gesture. He is an indefatigable patriot, a trusted role model, a worhy ambassador, a giant philanthropist, an erudite scholar who bagged 1st class in his first degree, a rare specie with high cerebral capacity, a fastidious pacesetter and a conscious disciplinarian. I can’t find enough words to describe him.
I just told you that the foundation has been there for over 13 years. All these years civic centers has been built and equipped, church buildings has been erected and completed, church roofs has been taken care of, giant power generating engines has been donated to schools and churches, a lot of fund has been donated for various community projects to mention but a few. All manner of help have been rendered to individuals, families, groups, academic institutions and unions at all levels. In 2016, I saw on facebook some people who were held at the hospital for non payment of hospital bills in Owerri. Goodlight foundation was notified and they swung into action to see how many they can assist but when we got there, we ended up rescuing all of them because we could not bear what we saw.
Good Light foundation has built and furnished houses for people. There are many cases of life saving as immediate operation or medical treatment but no money which Good Light foundation has been the saving grace to the glory of God. There was a woman who died four years ago and was deposited in mortuary. The first son was 13 when she died and she was buried when the boy was 17. Could you imagine that? The government had wanted to carry corpses that have been abandoned due to lack of payment. When the foundation was notified, people were sent to the village to do some enquires and the feedback was true. We had to pay for the mortuary bills, bought casket and she was buried in December, 2017.
As a matter of fact, I will continue to bless God for the person of the president of the foundation. I must not fail to tell you this torching story. I took a flight some years back to Port Harcourt. When I got there they told me the Airport taxi going to my place is N18, 000, I was infuriated by the price that I had to ask, how much did I pay for the flight from Lagos to Port Harcourt that I will pay such outrageous price for cab to my village. There was an old man standing by and he asked me if I am from Uvuru Mbaise truly? I said yes. He said he would collect N10, 000 because of ONE GOOD MAN from Uvuru and it happens to be Sir Stanley Amuchie. He then asked if I know him, I pretended and said no. The man started narrating to me how Sir Stanley has been paying their dues since he joined them as Knights of St Christopher that since he retired he has not paid dues for four years now. “He pays dues for all of us in the Diocese”. The man said Continuing the man said “Even the last motherly Sunday, he gave 12 bishop wives N1million each to share among women who do not have anything. He did same for catholic churches even though he is not a catholic. The Network Mast we are using in my place was brought by him in 2009. Goodlight foundation also pays clearance fees for lots of NYSC candidates. Renovation of schools, and churches has been done lot of times.
Speculations have mentioned of his political ambition, what is your take on that?
Man by nature is a political animal and there is politics everywhere. We do politics in our offices and homes. Everybody has a right to be a politician. If he chooses to be a politician he has the right because he is a good citizen of Imo State. He has been doing good things with his own personal resources talk more of what he will do with state funds. If at all he wants to join politics, I would support him because I know he will deliver well. When it comes to academic he is a genius and when you equally come to wisdom he is a knowledgeable man, for him to even work in Zenith bank and the position he is currently holding; a position that controls one the sensitive part of the bank’s operation locally and internationally. If someone like that comes to power, he will simply make magic. This is a statement of fact.
Politics remain a human activity which involves interactions and interrelationships amongst free and equal citizens. It must aim at improving the conditions of man for the satisfaction of human needs or demands for higher standard of living in the society. Politics as an ethical activity should promote the creation of a’ just society’ which Aristotle earlier termed the ‘master science. it is an attempt to reduce tensions between needs and social realities. As you know, Nigerian brand of democracy has been described with all manner of negative words. But that does not mean that we don’t have some performing leaders or politicians. The problem is that, they are very few. I like the men at the helm of affairs in Akwa Ibom and Anambra states. They are not just politicians but intellectuals. Nobody plays politics with people’s life but some politicians do that because they try to recover the money spent during election when they get to the position. When politicians start sharing money to electorates to vote for them, then the end is defeated. If you should ask me, I want people to shun selfish politicians and bring professionals into politics and electorates should not sell their votes but vote for the right people. Remember, the Bible was clear about it that when the righteous is in authority, the people rejoices

State Government should put basic infrastructures so as to encourage investors. If all states in Nigeria are well developed, the rural-urban drift will be minimized to a large extent thereby, creating development in all areas of the country. Personally, I wouldn’t want to live in Lagos where I would spend all the money I have made, I would want to go to my state to generate revenue and yield more things. Also, we should encourage and celebrate our own. A number of Nigerians outside the shores of the country are doing well but most of them cannot come back home to practice because there is no enabling environment. There are talented people here in this country, let us help them grow. If they fail at the first attempt, let them try again instead of running off quickly to get foreigners to do what some Nigerians can do. For example, the best medical heart surgeon you have in the world is from my village. He is the best both in Britain and America but he doesn’t come home because there are no good facilities.
Goodlight Foundation charity has no limitation. We have been doing it for everybody both the Yorubas, Hausas, Edos, Igbos and so on. There is no partiality in his helping people. His goodwill does not know any barrier. As far as you are doing good he encourages you.
There was a time we went for a reach out here in Lagos, we went to a Local Government to talk about The Goodlight Foundation, and someone in the Local Government told us he knows Stanley Amuchie that we shouldn’t bother talking too much. He said he invited him for a project he did in his village and Stanley was one of the people that donated for the project. Without delay they got the required fund as promised by Sir Stanley Amuchie without having to remind him. The man was very instrumental to the reach out that day as he told the people to listen to whatever we wanted to tell them about the foundation.
Yes, we have some challenges; like those who see him as a threat to their political aspiration. For example they were putting his pictures on Facebook that Rochas endorsed him because of the event that was held in his honnour on the 25th December last year. Sir Stanley has not even declared any intention to come into politics let alone for any political position. When one is coming out with a good intention, they would want to pull him down. But of course, God sees the heart of all men and he also knows that all his intentions are right and they are not for any selfish reasons. Politics is not a do or die affair; he doesn’t have to be there before he does good things.
The truth is that I can’t really say because Man proposes God disposes, I know that the way we are going it is a way of truth, we don’t want to change from our standard. I know we are going higher and God would direct our footstep. I know we would move by God’s grace.
Yes, we have board of trustees, we have the coordinators both in the local government and each school has their own coordinator. We have visited lots of local government. I can tell you that we are very much on ground in Imo state and lots of other places.
No support from any tier of government. What you are seeing is the coordination of Sir Stanley Amuchie as a very humble man who believe that A CANDLE LOOSES NOTHING BY LIGHTING ANOTHER CANDLE. It is an avenue where he can reach out to people. We don’t need to bring in the government to avoid politicizing it.
Those who have money should try and help people especially the youths. People should learn to set a standard. It’s a pity that other countries that are younger than us are doing well; let’s not do things anyhow. We ought to start using our own rather than bringing expert from other countries like China to do things for us. We have expatriates who have travelled outside the country to study, let’s give them a chance, when they fail they would learn more. Also, we should do things properly following due process at all times. Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well.

In another development in the course of this research, we noticed that Goodlight foundation face book is filled with good will measures without discrimination. I employ you to take a walk into their facebook page.

Good Light Foundation is at it again as Okigwe local government area was agog on March 24th 2018, with the light radiating in the locality. The first point of call was at Urban Secondary school where the students and staff of the school were overwhelmed by the show of love. They were agape with joy as the rained blessings on GLF- Ambassadors present and president Sir Stanley Amuchie. The market women were not left out because the team also stormed Eke Okigwe. The joy and happiness witnessed here can best be appreciated in the picture below. The light has indeed come.
Another post informed that Good Light Foundation empowers Imo State women N30million, gives scholarship, jobs to youth.

Another post talks of torching Eye witness Account – What a mighty God, Good Samaritan pays 1.2m Hospital Bills for poor patients
You would remember last month, I cried unto God over the situation of poor, weak, neglected and abandoned sick patients in a hospitals in Owerri. My attention was first drawn to woman who was detained in the medical facilities for inability to pay her hospital bills for a period of 4 months after she got discharged. The day I went to rescue her through donation from good spirited individuals, I couldn’t hold my tears as more than 15 of her likes are equally detained in the hospital. I couldn’t believe it, I enquired from the hospital management and was hold, the hospital was a specialist hospital, most of their cases are emergency referrals from small hospitals, maternities and other medical and diagnostic centers, that lacks specialists or equipment hence their first priority is to save lives. It happened that after patients were treated and discharged, they couldn’t afford to pay medical bills, and if allowed to go and be paying gradually, they will completely disappear. To checkmate it, they were not allowed to leave the premises of the medical facility until their outstanding bills are settled.
I saw it as a big challenge that needs a quick solution. My spirit couldn’t rest, I outlined a medical outreach program; reaching out to friends, facebook, followers and readers by publishing the pitable situation of the patients that needs help here on facebook. In less than one week, three were bailed. Also through the support from good spirited individuals. I continued reaching out to friends who promised to do something. But today, God manifested himself in a very special way, someone I have not seen or met before read the post on my face book wall, called me from Lagos State, I explained to her. She said the NGO she works for (Good Light Foundation) is interested in bringing smiles in the faces of those indigent patients. All I could say was Wow! How much is their bill? She asked and I told her that the major people with huge bill totaled to N1.072,500.00. Mrs Evan Chioma Ulokwe Duru representing Good Light Foundation said no problem, that she is taking the next available flight to Owerri from Lagos. In less than one hour she was at Imo Airport, I picked her up and few members of the Good Light Foundation and we drove to New Creation Hospital Orji, Owerri North LGA of Imo State. She was overwhelmed by what she saw. Out of human kindness she increased the number thus raising the bar to N1.2million hence a total of 10 patients were paid for and allowed to go home happily to rejoin their families. I can’t thank the founder and president of Good Light Foundation Sir Stanley Amuchie enough. May the good Lord continue to bless him. What a wonderful soul, doing great things in propagation of God’s kingdom on earth, through service to humanity. My joy is complete; please join me to rejoice because there is celebration in heaven right now.
Names of Patients their bills were paid for and their LGA.
1. Amadi Gift #380,000 Ngor Okpala LGA
2. Nwachukwu Chioma #305,000 Mbutu, Aboh Mbaise LGA
3. Okpara Eberechi #140,000 Iyagwa, Owerri West LGA
4. Ezeji Ogechi #152,400 Umuonyeocha, Ikeduru LGA
5. Duru Chioma #140,000 Umualumaku, Ehime Mbano LGA
6. Onyeyiri Maryjane #80,000 Obazu Mbieri Mbaitoli LGA
7. Mr Linus Emenyereuka #46,000 Atta, Ikeduru LGA
8. Okechukwu Akuma #45,000 Obazu Mbieri, Mbaitoli LGA
9. Josephine Ijezie #50,000 Ugiri, Isala Mbano LGA
10. Chioma Nnurom #28,700 Ugiri, Isala Mbano LGA
I can’t just thank him enough, I praise his name always. His name is the Almighty Jehovah.
My name is Ifeanyicy Njoku, Executive Director; Center for Youths Development and Peace Initiative.