… Nigeria is a graveyard of innovation waiting for commercialization -Dr Owoso

The news palace is still discussing the recent concluded 3 days International Conference and exhibition of Yabatech School of Science which started on the 11th and ended on the 14th December at YUSUF GRILLO auditorium at Yaba College of Technology Lagos on the THEME: SCIENCE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT; ISSUES AND IMPLICATIONS. In a chat with most guests and participants they attested that the choice of the conference and exhibition is most appropriate in line with issues of the moment in the country and the world at large.
The great Patriot and founder of Modern India Pandit Nehru was indeed right in his axiom that “It is science alone that can solve the problem of hunger and poverty, of insanitation and illiteracy, of superstition and deadening customs and traditions, of vast resources running to waste, of a rich country inhabited by starving people etc”. This unequivocal truism which was inscribed boldly on the wall of Atrium Council of Scientific and Industrial Research in New Delhi India has become a global phenomenon because at every turn of life we seek the aid of science.
Definitely, it is obvious that the future belongs to science and those who make friends with science. In the light of the above, the school of science Yaba College of Technology Lagos, Nigeria in their 4th International Conference and Exhibitions 2017 examined the theme “Science and Economic Development: Issues and implications thus revealing that an economy built on modern science and technology requires not only scientists and laboratories but also reasonable physical infrastructure, functioning capital markets, modern communications and connectivity, the basic rule of law including some measure of protection for intellectual property, reasonable sound economic policies and a business climate conducive for investment.

In her opening speech, the Chief convener and Dean, School of Science Dr {Mrs} Afolake O. Dawodu revealed that the 4th international conference was formally proposed to hold in November but no thanks to ASUP strike. Continuing, she said,” the quest for knowledge has been from the beginning of time but knowledge only becomes valuable when it is disseminated and applied to benefit mankind hoped that this conference will be a platform to gather and disseminate the latest findings in Scientific Research which would ultimately lead to economic growth”. The theme of the 4th international conference and exhibition: Science and Economic Development, Issues and implications is more or less in line with the 3rd conference theme in which was the Role of Science in achieving sustainable Development Goals. And this was when the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) transition into Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with a pledge to end poverty, fight inequality and injustice and tackle climate changes by the year 2030.”

Speaking with Dr L. N. Ofodile, the chairman of seminar research and publication committee who equally contributed immensely to the research topic “Organic Shell: Alternative source of calcium carbonate for ceramic glaze formulation and environmental protection; she stressed the importance of organizing a conference of such magnitude and equally appreciated the team that made the event a success. In her research, she pointed out lots of economic importance of periwinkle shell including whiting in ceramic glaze.
The Lead Paper Presenters, Professor Ogundipe (Vice Chancellor of University of Lagos) And Dr. Olubunmi Owoso (An Orator and Secretary General of Commonwealth Association of Technical Universities and Polytechnics of Africa Nairobi, Kenya) dealt judiciously with the topics of their lecture.
Professor Ogundipe started his lecture by saying he believes in ‘publish’ and ‘flourish’ and that he does not belief in ‘PERISHING’. The Professor said, looking at today’s world through science, politics and economy in such a way that it promotes open access and also there is advance in technology and science and of which it prevents monopolistic practice and shares effective practice. Professor Ogundipe defines science as the realm of discovering the unknown. He said the basic science that was encountered first was Biology of which it was taught in secondary schools and talking about physics and also the sense of sight. He said the role of science is to ensure National security and stability; it prepares for smooth transition and also improves the quality of life. He also talked about the priority areas that there should be development of high technologies, development of key technologies to increase international distinctiveness, and also the development of technology in the area of health care.
He furthered said that science has contributed so much that it has helped African farmers in their skill and international partnership, also the area of agreement of conference outside the country producing exceptional outcome and economic development that helps in the adoption of new technology or general improvement of living standard.
Professor Ogundipe said its objective is to build and improve infrastructural facilities, improve educational system and also adopt small business development and creation of job. He also said that it has a global economic challenge of energy and environmental security, conflict and poverty, competition in a new era and globalization, global imbalances; global health practice and its various issues are low capital income, low level of living, high income distribution (unequality), backward in technology. The Professor said its problems includes urbanization, problem of restructuring and steps that needs to be taken is to ensure that central bank is independent, establish and strengthen institutions, complete the rehabilitation of commercial banks and also strengthen the legal frame work.
X-raying on the topic “Impacting STI on industrial and socio-economic Development in African Economies: of visions, responsibilities and strategic action” Dr Olubunmi Owoso the Secretary General Commonwealth Association of Technical Universities and Polytechnics in Africa (CAPA), Nairobi, Kenya opines that Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) provide the fulcrum for economic growth and prosperity in the most developed countries of Europe and America. According to the world acclaimed academic Don, the same STI helped to transform the lowly economics of the south East Asian countries to middle-income tigers, even within the last few decades. Bemoaning the situation in Africa, he said that the continent is still home to wide-spread poverty, high levels of unemployment rates especially among the youths, as well as poor reflection in many socio-economic indices of development. The STI infrastructure in many African countries is poor, and the economics are largely oriented towards consumption of imported capital goods and other manufactured products abroad”.

In brief chat with Dr Mrs. Owoso J. O the former deputy rector academic; she appreciated God for making the 4th international conference and exhibition a huge success. She stressed that the conference was timely especially now that the country is faced with a lot of challenges and requires scientific application to curb some of the quagmire and in turn foster economic growth. Dr J. O Owoso was the chairperson at the conference assessment and award committee.
In the same vein, Dr U. C Kanife also applauded the convener, the dean of school of science, Dr (Mrs.) A. O Dowodu for availing the staff and students of the great school the opportunity to add to their knowledge while proffering sustainable solutions to some of the economic challenges in the country. Further speaking Dr. Kanife advised the participants of the conference to take drastic action on the knowledge that was impacted by the speakers at the conference.
In author note, Mr. A. O Ogunmakinde, the HOD of physical Science Dept. expressed his profound gratitude to God for the successful conference of the school of Science. He pointed out that Science has a major role in achieving a sustainable development of any given nation and call on institutions to constantly organize conference of this magnitude as it will aid the nation’s economical growth.